CHAIRMAN’S BLOG | March 31, 2024
A lot can happen in three days! This past weekend we have been reminded of the last three days of Christ’s ministry on earth – His crucifixion, death, and resurrection.
As we rejoice on this Resurrection Sunday, the Secretariat and I pray that you have experienced the true meaning of the Easter Season and that you have felt the love of Christ evidenced in you and through you as you continue to walk in your 4th Day. Our Father has provided Hope for us through the gift of His Son.
John 14:19 - Jesus said, “Because I live, you also will live!”
A lot can happen in three days can also be said of Tres Dias, as the weekend is a mighty tool to bring Christians to a closer, more personal walk with their Lord Jesus Christ and encourage them to Christian leadership and Apostolic Action in their environments.
Did you know...
· There are three phases of Tres Dias:
· There are three stages where Pescadores progress through their service on a team:
(As Rectors seek guidance from Holy Spirit on calling the team, they also do so within the parameters of the number of N’s, I’s, and E’s they have allotted for each area.)
· There are three parts that make up a Tres Dias weekend:
· There are three ways in which we practice the spiritual disciplines of Tres Dias: (The Three-Legged Stool)
· There are three types of talks presented during a Tres Dias:
(In reality, there is only one talk given during the Tres Dias, which is divided into rollos and meditations.)
· There is a 3-step approach to living out the great commission in our 4th Day:
Over the next several weeks I’ll be sharing more of the “why” around the bullet points above...
(And practicing my clock building in the process! )
De Colores,
Tim Kiger
Chairman, TDNG
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