The ‘Why’ of Tres Dias

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CHAIRMAN’S BLOG | March 12, 2024

Hi, my name is Tim Kiger. I made Men’s Tres Dias of North Georgia #51 where I sat at the Table of Matthew. My wife Joan and I worship and serve at Church of the Apostles. Our sponsors were Ron and Sandra Cobb. It has been a joy to be part of this community since 1998 and it is an honor to serve you as Chairman of TDNG, beginning in January of this year.

Happy Monday Morning Tres Dias of North Georgia. Yesterday started Daylight Savings Time, Spring is just around the corner, we will celebrate Resurrection Sunday soon… AND, TDNG just finished the first set of weekends in 2024!!!

Welcome to our new Pescadores who attended Men’s TDNG #149 and Women’s TDNG #163! I look forward to seeing everyone at next week’s Secuela. Saturday, March 16th at Noon. Mt. Paran North, 1700 Allgood Rd NE, Marietta, GA., 30062. 

I encourage the community to join the team and candidates as we praise God for His many blessings. As we move forward, I will be posting a Chairman’s Blog on Facebook as well as here in the Pescador Pages where I want to share my heart with you. This will be a time to talk about the “whys” of Tres Dias from my perspective.

Let me apologize in advance! My heritage is German – where, with the Swiss, the craftsmanship of time pieces has been passed down for generations. If you ask me “what time is it?”, I will build you a clock before I give you an answer. With that in mind … we will look at each part of Tres Dias to understand the innerworkings so when asked – “Tell me about Tres Dias”, we are able to provide both a clear and concise answer, as well as understand and be able to explain the “why” of this ministry! Much of this will be foundational to many of you. But for those new to the community, let’s start with some basics.

First – let’s look at Tres Dias - - - of North Georgia. Every Tres Dias Community is chartered under Tres Dias International. Our first set of weekends was in 1983 and thousands of candidates have become Pescadores over the past 40+ years. North Georgia also has a rich heritage in sponsorship of other communities and has “children” and “grandchildren” (communities) across the country and around the world. God’s hand has led this community as the founders, and those who followed, have sought His will. Because Tres Dias of North Georgia (TDNG) is chartered under Tres Dias International (TDI), we follow the Statement of Belief, Essentials, Constitution & Bylaws, and Policies and Practices of TDI. In addition, TDNG has its own Constitution & Bylaws and Practices that are in alignment with TDI but specific for our community.

Throughout the years TDNG has also adopted traditions. Some of these began with the movement from which Tres Dias originated – Cursillo. Others came from TDI. And still others are specific to TDNG. These traditions are a look back at our past and at what unites us with our heritage. My friend, David Darden, illustrates it this way. (Paraphrased) "Tres Dias of North Georgia is like a tapestry. The threads of our Essentials flow from top to bottom and the threads of our traditions flow from left to right. Together, these threads create a beautiful mosaic that is framed in the anointing of prayer."

In future blog posts I will be talking about our Sponsorship, Essentials, Traditions, Training, Best Practices, Statement of Belief, and our governing documents. My prayer is that we will have a better understanding of why we do what we do and the principles and purposes behind the methodology.

In my next post I will be talking about the three hands of the Tres Dias clock: Pre-Weekend, Weekend, and Post-Weekend.

De Colores,

Tim Kiger
Chairman, TDNG


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